Lifting Safely | Safety Talk | Lifting and Back Safety

Back pain can be very painful and it is one of the most common reasons why people go to the hospital. You may think that lifting heavy things is the only way to mess up your back, however you can experience back pain if you use poor form to lift even the lightest of objects.

Let’s look at a few basic lifting techniques that will protect your back.

Plan the Lift

  • Examine the load you’re going to carry. Is it too heavy or awkward to move alone?
  • Know where you’re going before you lift the box. Make sure the route and destination are clear. Ever help somebody move a couch and find yourself dodging obstacles along the way and then when you get to the final spot you have to keep holding the heavy item while somebody clears the area? It sucks.

The Proper Form

  • Get as close as you can to the load. There is less pressure on your back when you keep the load close to your body.
  • Place your feet about a shoulder width apart with the object between your feet.
  • Tuck in your pelvis, bend your knees, keep your head up, and your back straight. Never bend at the waist or extend your upper body.
  • Lift with your legs, not your back. Your leg muscles are big and strong. Your back muscles…not so much. 
  • Don’t twist your body at the waist. Turn your whole body.

Ok, you lifted it. Now what? Now you gotta get the load to the right place.

  • Make sure the load is light enough for you to be able to get to your destination.
  • Make sure you can see over the load.
  • Make sure you can safely set it down without crushing your hands or feet.
  • Make sure you can safely set it down without dropping it.

Don’t be a hero!

We all wanna be big, strong tough guys\gals who don’t need no help from anyone. However, if it makes more sense to use a dolly or ask a coworker for help, then do it. You’ll save yourself a lot of time and greatly reduce your risk of injury.

Safe lifting of lighter objects

We don’t need super strength for every single object we pick up. Some items are really light. Did you know you could throw out your back trying to pick up a pencil?

Try the golfer’s lift for those little objects. Throw one leg straight out behind you, bend the other knee a little bit, use one hand to balance yourself on something, and the other hand to pick up the item.

What if you need to lift something above your head? First off, make sure it’s light enough (or you’re strong enough) to do that. Keep your feet shoulder width apart, back straight, head up, and push up with your arms.

Work Out

Physical fitness is very important in keeping you free from injury. Stretching, Cardio, and Weight training will keep your muscles strong, your body flexible, and your mind sharp.


In closing, use these tips to spare yourself from a world of back pain. Best case scenario: back pain just means you pop a tylenol to get through the day. Worst case scenario: you’re stuck in bed, you’re at the hospital, and\or you’re unable to work. Don’t let a back injury hold you back.

Until next time – Safety First!

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