A lot can happen between the time you clock in for your shift and the time you clock out. Your actions and behaviors determine whether you get home safe or get home injured.
We all need to work to make a living but working is not our life. We all want to enjoy our time off – with ourselves, with our friends, with our families. We all want the comfort and freedom to pursue our hobbies or even just stay home in our pj’s watching movies and eating snacks. Our time away from work is exactly that- Our Time. Being safe at work ensures that we get to enjoy Our Time away from work.
That is why you should always be on the lookout for unsafe behaviors and conditions that could put you and your coworkers at risk.
Think of the airline pilot who needs to go through a detailed checklist before every flight to make sure that everything is working properly. Not only is his\her life at stake, but so is the life of every one of the passengers. Likewise, you should have a written or mental checklist before starting your shift because your safety and your coworker’s safety depends on it.
Here are a few items to include in your checklist:
- Are there any signs of damage on the equipment you will be using?
- Are the electrical connections and cables in safe condition or are they frayed?
- Are all the necessary guards in place? – This could include safety barriers, doors, manhole covers etc.
- Is the area free of slip or trip hazards?
- Is the lighting and ventilation adequate?
- Is the workplace ergonomically designed to protect you from sprains and strains? If not, can it be adjusted?
- Are you wearing the proper PPE?
- Has there been a recent change to the workplace? Are there new factors to be on the alert for, such as contractors working on site or new employees being trained?
- Are you familiar with what to do in the case of any emergency? Do you know where to go in the case of an emergency evacuation?
- Have you thought about the tasks you are going to be performing and how you’re going to perform them safely? Have you considered the risks of performing the job unsafely?
The biggest factor for ensuring your safety is You!
We all care for our coworker’s safety, and companies all care for their employee’s safety, but the harsh truth is that nobody cares about your safety as much as you. No one can watch you 24 hours a day. No one can be behind you protecting you 24 hours a day. You are the only one that can make you work safely all the time, even when nobody is looking. Sure, there are many reasons to cut corners, such as finishing a job quicker, or wearing full PPE is hot and uncomfortable, or you’ve performed the same task daily for years and nothing has ever happened… but you only need to get seriously injured once for it to have drastic changes on your life, and the lives of those who depend on you back home.
Getting the job done quickly is great, but getting the job done safely is better. Getting home in one piece so you can enjoy time off with your friends and family is best.
Work safe so you can make it home safe.
Well, that’s it for now. Until next time- Safety First!