Housekeeping at Work | Safety Talk | Housekeeping Safety

One of the key ways to protect you from falls, fires, and a ton of other hazards is by maintaining good housekeeping in the workplace. Housekeeping is everybody’s responsibility- not just the cleaning crew.

Take a look around your workplace:

  • Are the floors clean and free of any spills, trash, and clutter?
  • Are leaks and spills cleaned up right away or do employees walk right past them?
  • Are traffic areas clear of any obstacles such as boxes, electrical cords, water hoses, etc.?
  • Are the exits and stairs clearly marked?
  • Are the garbage cans constantly overflowing or are they emptied regularly?
  • Is the workplace organized with tools and equipment clearly labeled, and stored in designated spaces – or is everything thrown in a pile?
  • Are raw materials and containers clearly and correctly labeled? Are they stored in the right place?
  • Are the stairways and doorways kept clear?
  • Is there adequate lighting around the workplace?
  • Are oily rags disposed of in the proper container?
  • Are flammable materials stored away from possible ignition sources?
  • Are hazardous materials kept in designated locations in their properly marked containers? Is the MSDS readily available?
  • Are the employees cleaning up their workstations?
  • Are defective chairs and tables taken out of service immediately?
  • Are drawers and doors closed immediately to prevent accidents?
  • Are lunch areas, break rooms, restrooms, and locker rooms kept clean?

These are just a few of the things you should be looking out for. It’s up to you and your coworkers to ensure that you have a clean and safe place to work everyday. Good housekeeping not only keeps the work site looking good, it keeps you safe from injury.

Until Next Time – Safety First!

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