Marijuana in the Workplace | Safety Talk | Alcohol and Drugs Safety

Let’s say it’s the end of the shift… mostly everybody has gone home…It’s Friday.. and you’ve got nothing left to do. Sounds like the perfect time to roll up a little joint and relax before kicking off the weekend, right?


Marijuana, or any recreational drugs & alcohol for that matter, should never be used at the workplace. Why not?

Using marijuana can cause euphoria, lack of motivation, relaxation, short-term memory loss, poor body coordination, paranoia, and confusion. All this adds up to being an unsafe worker in the workplace.

To do your job successfully you need to be in top mental and physical condition. This is especially true in an industrial environment where you might be working with potentially dangerous equipment, chemicals, and other workplace hazards. Aside from that, your coworkers may be the ones that end up injured due to your carelessness and inattention.

Here are some things to consider before deciding to use drugs in the workplace:

  • Marijuana laws are relaxing in many places but many companies still have strict policies regarding marijuana use. If you fail a post-accident drug test after causing any damage to property, or injury to yourself or others, you may be fired immediately.
  • Marijuana may stay in your system for a month after use and you may experience short-term memory loss during this time.
  • Smoking of any kind is generally prohibited on most worksites due to the fire and explosion hazards. Don’t blow yourself up trying to blow off some steam.
  • Mixing marijuana with other drugs and alcohol can have dangerous effects.
  • Workers should show up fit for duty everyday- this includes not showing up to work under the influence of any drug or alcohol. Not just for their safety but for the safety of their coworkers.
  • Lastly, many companies provide help for anybody who wants to kick their substance abuse problem. All you need to do is ask. There are also many free resources available outside of work. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help.

Until next time – Safety First!

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