Parking Lot Safety | Safety Talk | Vehicle and Pedestrian Safety

When you think of vehicle and pedestrian safety you probably don’t think about parking lots, however parking lots can be dangerous places where death and injury can occur.

Parking lot traffic is supposed to be slow and many parking lots have low speed limits (usually 3-5mph) so it is easy for pedestrians in parking lots to be lulled into a false sense of security. This is why you’ll see pedestrians walking through the lot with their faces buried in their cellphones. Of course, this isn’t only true of pedestrians. Drivers are looking at their cellphones while driving through the parking lot because they assume they are driving too slow to be caught by surprise. Drivers not paying attention and pedestrians not paying attention is one heck of a dangerous combination.

Parked cars can instantly pull into a lane of traffic. Cars and Pedestrians can suddenly appear in spots that were empty less than a second ago. So… pay attention to where you’re walking and where you’re driving.

There are other hazards to look out for in parking lots too such as slip\trip\fall hazards including slippery surfaces, uneven pavement, potholes, and\or dangerous obstacles like nails and broken glass.

Personal security is also something you need to be constantly on the lookout for. Avoid dark parking lots and use a buddy system whenever possible. Be aware of your surroundings. Observe your car from a distance to make sure there is nobody hiding near or under it… and just like that old urban legend: Check the back seat!

To recap: Whether you’re a driver or a pedestrian, pay attention to your surroundings in parking lots.

Until Next Time… Safety First!

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